Episode 246
Enter the Dungeon (Crawl for the Cure)
While Rodger is away, Chris is at play... Joined by Shawn White, the primary organizer of Dungeon Crawl for the Cure, the subject of Dungeons & Dragons is touched on. Then bombs reign as we learn about the passion behind this amazing event. Shawn explains monsters, items and characters. The subject of cancer is brought up and Shawn is kind enough to share some of his experience and knowledge as we enter into one of the more serious discussions that has been had on this podcast. If you want to participate in the Dungeon Crawl for the Cure, you can do so or donate to by clicking here. If you wish to use your dollars to fight along side Entertain the Geeky, you can click here to do so. If you want additional information on the event or sponsors, you can go to dungeoncrawlforthecure.com. As always like, comment,and subscribe. Follow us on twitter and like us on Facebook.
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