Episode 277

Team up!

Published on: 6th August, 2020

In arrogant fashion we brought you us sprinkled with a dash more of us. This is a Who Wears the Pants and Entertain the Geeky mash-up of epic proportion! We use that somewhat loosely as we have all recorded together for both shows, but time only permitted the recording of one monstrosity so this episode will be featured on both shows. We dive a bit deeper into Mike's experience with a lady of the night, and then rage on some nerdy TV and movies. Enjoy!

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About the Podcast

Entertain the Geeky
Bringing comic shop banter to you!
Tune in for a weekly podcast cast covering all nerd news including movies,games,comics, and so much more. The ETG podcast is designed to bring comic shop banter to you, wherever you are.

About your host

Profile picture for Chris Parsons

Chris Parsons

My name is Chris Parsons, and about 5 years ago, I started a podcast with an old computer and a microphone that I found on eBay. The title of that show was Entertain the Geeky. More than anything, ETG served as a means of filling a void, which my sales job had left in my life. I was no longer part of the nerdy industry that I loved; I had sold out. It couldn't end like that! So, I got in touch with a friend who worked at a comic book shop, with me, and asked if he would be interested in hanging out on Sundays and recording this goofy show with me. He was on board and we were off to the races. More than anything, we over-promised and under-delivered. We started designing tabletop games, we onboarded sponsors, and we started a second title. With plans for a third show and a bright future ahead of us, we pressed on! Life had a different plan... I left my sales job and moved. Recording slowed drastically and ETG started to die. I started an online business, and went to work part time for a gaming store, with another friend from the comic shop that I used to work at. He like me, loves to talk and we decided to,(you guessed it) start a podcast.
We started the show Who Wears the Pants, and have had a blast pushing through the almost therapeutic recording sessions. My co-host started a new business and it reminded me of the birth of my first show. I was able to look back and see some of what I had done wrong , with podcasting in particular. I had arrived at the conclusion that I had only began to scratch the surface of my potential within this domain. The growth and potential of ETG and the fulfillment of WWTP existed somewhere in a new show. Here we are now. With a new show that focuses on the extraordinary that exists within the seemingly normal. We are only slightly average.